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Task Management Software – Effective Task Reminders

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Phần Mềm Quản Lý Công Việc

Are you having difficulty tracking and observing your employees’ work activities? How to easily manage and remind employees to work effectively and achieve high productivity? Using task management software is the perfect suggestion for you.

Difficulty in reminding current work

In order for an enterprise’s operating system to ensure stability and sustainable development, leaders and managers need to have a timely and accurate overview of the working situation of their employees. From there, promptly remind employees to work effectively. Avoid delays in work progress, affecting the operations of businesses and organizations.

Phần Mềm Quản Lý Công Việc

The functions of work management software help solve managers’ problems when reminding employees of their work

Born with the desire to bring practical features to help managers easily manage work in the most effective and objective way, work management software will help managers. a lot in reminding employees to work efficiently. The functions of task management software will help you use the task reminder feature effectively such as:

1. Update work completion progress

The software system will display the work progress of each employee and each project, so just through the computer screen, you can update the employee’s work status. as well as the implementation progress of each project, to quickly provide timely solutions and reminders to employees so they can quickly complete their work with high efficiency.

2. Update job status

The work management software system will automatically and easily convert the pending, ongoing, and completed work statuses of employees, helping managers to quickly and accurately capture information about employee productivity, thereby reminding those who have not reached their productivity to quickly complete and ensure work progress is on schedule.

3. Continuous interaction

Between managers and employees, a space is designed to exchange and share job assignment information, ask and answer, give feedback, ask for opinions, direct, make decisions… on the management software in an easy and convenient way. use. Members can quickly receive important information anytime, anywhere when there is internet access without having to meet in person in the traditional way.

Phần Mềm Quản Lý Công Việc


For managers when using work management software

Unified management of employees and departments within the enterprise helps cut down on working time and unnecessary intermediaries.
All employees and managers work and update on the system so managers can easily monitor employees as well as the situation of the business to give instructions and make adjustments quickly and promptly. on software.
Documents, contracts, documents, and dispatches are all systematically stored so that they can be found easily when needed.
Work schedules for employees and departments are updated on the work management software, so employees in the company are informed without having to notify.
Manage in detail, fastest and most completely all work items and tasks that arise at each time and work progress.
Work management software can be used on all platforms, as long as there is an internet-connected device, business owners can manage anytime, anywhere.
Update feedback or problems or problems in work quickly, thereby making timely adjustments and handling.
Can manage the manager’s own work, schedule appointments, detailed work schedules, through the warning reminder system, the work schedule will be detailed so as not to miss important things, thereby improving working efficiency.

For employees when using the software

Help employees not miss work thanks to the reminder system that warns when the planned date is due and the reminder system when the deadline is approaching.
Can update the general working schedule of the whole company. Work schedule for yourself and your department.
Update the latest announcements and instructions, if any
Manage customers and customer-related information systematically, decentralize customers for processing.
Schedule your daily work sequentially, in detail and systematically to work more efficiently and cut down on working time.
Report work to leaders quickly. And receive instructions quickly right on the software.


Phần Mềm Quản Lý Công Việc – Nhắc Nhở Công Việc Hiệu Quả

Phần Mềm Quản Lý Công Việc – Nhắc Nhở Công Việc Hiệu Quả



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